
Raw data files can be hierarchical in structure, consisting of a header record and one or more detail records. Typically, each record contains a field that identifies the record type.

Here, the P indicates a header record that contains a patient's ID number. The C indicates a detail record that contains the date of the patient's appointment and the charges that the patient has incurred.

Raw Data File

P  1095
C  01-08-89  $45.0 
C  01-17-89  $37.5 
P  1096
C  01-09-89  $156.5
P  1097
C  01-02-89  $109.0
P  1099
C  01-03-89  $45.0 
C  01-05-89  $45.0 
P  1201  
C  01-05-89  $37.0  
C  01-10-89  $45.0 

You can build a SAS data set from a hierarchical file by creating one observation per detail record and storing each header record as part of the observation.

SAS Data Set

Obs ID Date Amount
1 1095 01/08/89 $45.00
2 1095 01/17/89 $37.50
3 1096 01/09/89 $156.50
4 1097 01/02/89 $109.00
5 1099 01/03/89 $45.00
6 1099 01/05/89 $45.00
7 1201 01/05/89 $37.00
8 1201 01/10/89 $45.00

You can also build a SAS data set from a hierarchical file by creating one observation per header record and combining the information from detail records into summary variables.

SAS Data Set

Obs ID Total
1 1095 $82.50
2 1096 $156.50
3 1097 $109.00
4 1099 $90.00
5 1201 $82.00

In this lesson, you learn how to read from a hierarchical file and create a SAS data set that contains either one observation for each detail record or one observation for each header record.


Setting Up Filerefs for Practices in This Lesson

30 minutes

In this lesson, you learn to

  • retain the value of a variable
  • conditionally execute a SAS statement
  • determine when the last observation is being processed
  • conditionally execute multiple SAS statements.

You can also review how to

  • use a line-hold specifier to hold the current record
  • explicitly write an observation to a data set.

complete the following lessons:

  • .